School Nurse

Nurse's Corner

Ms. Newmark

Nurse: Mrs. Newmark: [email protected]

Nurse Newmark started working at Winfield Elementary as a school nurse in the 2013-2014 school year. She has really enjoyed building relationships with families, students and staff over the years. She has worked with many different students, coaching them through chronic illnesses and more, helping them stay healthy and prepared for school physically, emotionally and socially. 

(Not Pictured)
Nurse Assistant: Mrs. Hendrick

 Mrs. Hendrick
 has been working in Baltimore County as a nurse's assistant for 34 years. She has worked in all levels of schools, but her favorite is the elementary level. She especially likes being at Winfield elementary. She has been here for 20 years on and off.  Since last year, she has been at Winfield full time.  She considers herself to be very lucky.  Winfield has always had a family atmosphere. She feels like she's part of something special!

Is you child sick?

Check this sheet to see if it would best if your child stays home.


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