Welcome to Winfield Elementary School
"A Community School"

In the event that our local and/or state government directs us to shift to virtual instruction, please see the picture below for information and directions for accessing Google Meet.

Please click here for information on virtual learning and student devices
2024 - 2025 School Year:
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year. Please see the reminders to ensure a successful school year with us here at Winfield.
Please click here for school-wide expectations and reminders.
Please Click for Winfield Elementary Behavior Expectations and Cell Phone Policy 2024-2025
Early Dismissals:
If you need to pickup your child early from school, please make sure you have a photo ID at all times. Additionally, all early dismissals for Winfield will end at 3:40pm each day. If you need to pickup close to the end of the day, please make sure you come prior to 3:40pm. This allows us to prepare for dismissal in an orderly and safe manner.
Please refrain from parking in the bus loop during the hours of 8:45-9:15 am during the morning hours and 3:45- 4:15 in the afternoon. To ensure the safety of our students and the efficiency of our buses, the loop must be free from cars.
Front Office:
*Registration is by appointment ONLY*
Please call the front office to schedule an appointment.
Thank you.
Please Click here for Prekindergarten & Kindergarten Registration Information for the 2024-2025 School Year
Job Opportunities:
Please Click Below to View the Flyers:
Safety Assistants Flyer
Winfield is hiring for additional adult assistant and substitutes, please click on the links below to apply!
Become an additional adult assistant for Winfield Elementary!
Become a substitute for Winfield Elementary!
Parents and students receive access to a school device free for 2024-225. However, in the case that your child's device must be repaired or replaced families will assume the cost of repair replacement. Please see letter for more information and a tier of cost levels established by BCPS.
Click Here for updated information on BCPS issued student devices and information on fees for damaged devices as outlined by BCPS
Please Click for BCPS Tech Support
Parent Resources:
Click Here for How to Create a Parent Account